Wednesday, July 23, 2014

PSH : Partial Interviews


@ Movie aroma 
#movie scent# [To know Oppa by smell] interview with Hoo Hoo to bring to SiHoo's fans information on behind-the-scene happenings. Scent production team does take good care of your Oppa oh.

That 's what it is literally translated as. 

台(tai)前(qian)幕(mu)后(hou)  these words sound like what I've amended.

Translation to English by J Ong, thanks!

Q : 第一次和中国电影团队合作,有没有什么新鲜感?
Is there any difference working for with the Chinese movie team for the first time?

A : 以前在韩国拍电视剧居多,因为是周播,常常要赶在一个礼拜内完成,所以一直熬夜,有时在现场摄影师都会不小心睡着。而这次是拍摄电影,工作安排得井井有条,不会有太多熬夜,太愉快了。
Previously when working in Korea making the drama, due to it being a weekend drama, we often have to rush to complete the drama within a week, as such often work very late. Sometimes the cameraman will doze off.  This time it is a movie production, work schedule is very well organised, not much late night work, very happy indeed.

Q : 在拍摄过程中有哪场戏最难忘?  
Which scene is the most memorable during the shooting of the movie?

A : 当然是其中一场重要的床戏,为此我一直在健身,还节食三天,还好后来进行得很顺利。
Of course it is the bed scene, I have been exercising and even went on a diet for three days to maintain my physique, luckily everything went smoothly.

Q : 你接受采访时曾说女主角(陈燃)就是你的理想型,而之前《检察官公主》播出后大家又将你和金素妍视为完美一对,接触下来,中国女孩和韩国女孩有什么不同之处吗?
During your interview, you mentioned the leading actress (Chen Ran) is your ideal type, but previously when "Princess Prosecutor" was telecasted everyone feel that you and Kim So-yeon are perfect match. After working with them, is there any difference between a Chinese girl and a Korean girl?

A : 其实没有很大差别,中国女孩子更积极,更热情。我的理想型就是第一眼的感觉,可爱、开朗、活泼、热情的那种。
Actually there is no big difference. Chinese girls are more spontaneous and passionate. My ideal type is on first sight gives me the feeling of cute, happy, lively and passionate kind.

Q: 这是第一次来胡同里吗?感觉如何?
How do you feel about coming to Hutong for the first time?

A : 一开始以为是乡下,没想到也是在很繁华的地带,城市中竟然能有这么长的胡同,文化底蕴应该相当浓,而且听说这里的房价很贵哦。
At first thought it is countryside, didn't expect that it is located in a bustling city with such a long street. The cultural heritage must be very strong and heard that the property price here is very expensive

Credit : Scent,thanks!

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